For information on any of our clubs please email the office at [email protected] and we will put you in touch with the appropriate coordinator
God’s Helpers (Mrs. Ayers)
This club for students in second through eighth grades is a community service and outreach organization. The club teaches students to use their gifts from God to give back to their community and make it a better place to live.
Drama (Mrs. Jamo)
Each year, students in 5th – 8th grade have the opportunity to audition and perform in a full-scale musical. Mrs. Hannah Graham, MFA directs the play each year.
Forensics (TBD)
The ‘Tidewater Catholic Forensics League’ is a competitive speech and debate team. The club at school will meet once a week to help students select pieces to take to competition and will be judged on their poise, articulation and persuasive speaking. The top ten students from all schools that have competed that day will be awarded a medal. There will be four competitions during the school year and we will focus on only five categories this year: Prose and Poetry, Bible Readings, Declamation and Humorous Interpretation. Forensics is a place where anyone can succeed. Forensic training offers students an opportunity to develop critical thinking and persuasive verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
In imitation of the example of Jesus Christ, who gave both humble service and articulate leadership, we seek the truth spoken in charity.
This club is open to any 4th to 8th grader. Attendance at the weekly meetings is mandatory and there will be a $30 club fee to cover the awards and a SMCS Forensics Polo Shirt.
Ship Repair Digital Innovation Competition (Mrs. Olivar)
Each year, the Virginia Ship Repair Foundation sponsors the Ship Repair Digital Innovation Competition for middle school students aimed at enhancing awareness of careers available in the Ship Repair Industry, and the skills and education needed to pursue those careers. Participation in the VSRF Ship Repair Competition increases the students’ mathematical, analytical, and conceptual skills, as well as gives them valuable information on an industry that is vital to their community.
St. Matthew’s has placed over the past two years earning $1500 for the school.
Martial Arts (Ms. Olivar)
Ms. Olivar offers Martial Arts training at St. Matthew’s with Sifu Frank Delgado’s blessing. Ms. Olivar is continuing the traditions and beliefs as passed down from Karazenpo-Go-Shinjutsu and Kenpo Karate Systems originating from James Mitose, founder of the “Official Self Defense Club” in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Student Council (Mrs. McCormick)
SCA is an organization run entirely by student officers and class representatives. Officers are middle schoolers who have been elected by students in 3rd through 8th grade. Officer candidates go through an application process that includes an interview with Mrs. McCormick. Officers must have at least one year of experience in SCA as a class representative. They are responsible for leading the organization of several school-wide events and service projects. Some favorites include making goodie bags for Kidz Kruz at Christmastime, the Souper Bowl soup donation drive in the winter, the Church Grounds Clean Up before Holy Week, and the Middle School Dance in the spring. SCA officers attend weekly meetings during lunch/recess with Mrs. McCormick.
Class representatives are students in 3rd through 8th grade who have been elected by their classmates. Each class is represented by one girl and one boy. Class representatives are responsible for communicating SCA events to their classmates. Representatives form committees that are in charge of organizing events. Committee members have at least 4 meetings leading up to their event. All representatives attend monthly meetings during lunch/recess.
SCA Bible Verse: Philippians 2:3–4 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. -St. Paul the Apostl
SCA Leadership Quote: “Be a light not a judge. Be a model not a choice. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.” -Stephen Covey
Science Bowl (Ms. Bromley)
Science Bowl is an engaging team-based activity that practices responding to a variety of science and math questions using a buzzer system. This activity is designed for students that have a strong interest in chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, and earth science. The purpose of this club is to motivate and challenge students in a positive and rewarding environment. Additionally, it provides students with a venue to demonstrate leadership skills. This team meets once per week from September through January and competes in the Annual Science Bowl Competition at Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School in late January. Open to all Middle School Students.
Battle Of The Books (Ms. Reavis)
Battle of the Books is a reading contest open to all students in grades 5-8. Sponsored by the Virginia Beach Public Library, students collaborate in teams of 5 to read books from an assigned list, which is released October 1st. They will compete in a jeopardy-like competition with other Virginia Beach schools to test their knowledge of the books. Teams meet once a week for a working lunch to prepare. The purpose of Battle of the Books is to foster a love of reading while synergizing with fellow students in a competitive environment.
Spanish Bowl (Ms. Martinez)
Annual Catholic Schools Spanish Language Bowl competition. Open to students in grades 6-8. Teams will consist of 2-4 members. Teams from 8/7 and 7/6 will participate in skits or Questions/Answer, depending on their ability; the competition will be on Spanish comprehension and vocabulary.
Boy Scouts (Mr. Grinvalsky)
Saint Matthew’s sponsors Boy Scout Troop 303 and Cub Scout Pack 303. For detailed information about scouting at SMS please click on: Scouting.
Also Available
- Girl Scouts
- After-School Art Classes
- (Band & Chorus practices are held during the school day, but concerts occur in the evenings or on weekends.)