
St. Matthew’s music department consists of our Elementary and Middle School Choruses under the directions of Mrs. Gregorio and our Band (grades 3 through 8) under the direction of Mrs. McCormick.


The Elementary Chorus is for students in grades 3 – 5 and meets on Wednesday afternoons from 2:20 to 3:00pm.  During this time, students do not miss any core subjects. Middle School Chorus is for students in grades 6 – 8 and meets on Wednesdays during the elective bell.

Chorus members perform multiple times throughout the year, including Band and Chorus concerts, Carnival, Parent Teacher Guild meetings, school/community events, to mention a few.

In Chorus, students learn various vocal techniques, sing in unison and in harmony, and develop a repertoire of various musical styles from classical to contemporary.

Students in Chorus are expected to:

  • Attend weekly rehearsals and scheduled performances
  • Be committed and attentive during Chorus, demonstrating good behavior and a willingness to learn
  • Maintain good grades in core subject areas
  • Present a parental written excuse, in advance when possible, if unable to attend any performances

Permission slips for Chorus are sent home with eligible students at the beginning of each school year.

Remember… “Singing is praying twice!”


The Band program at St. Matthew’s focuses on instruction for woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. Band members rehearse weekly and do not miss any academic subjects. In addition to weekly rehearsals, all registered students have the opportunity to participate in after school band.
  • Students in 3rd and 4th grade are eligible to join the WindStars. Pre-band instruments are provided for in class and at home use.
  • Students in 5th grade are eligible to join the St. Matthew’s 5 Star Band. Instruments should be rented or purchased by parents from a reputable music store.
  • Middle School students may take band as an elective. The All Stars Band is an active ensemble that plays for Carnival as well as multiple concerts throughout the year.
All band students are expected to:
  • Attend rehearsals and performances
  • Commit to practicing regularly
  • Maintain good academic standing
  • Collaborate with fellow musicians